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A male feminist blogger called Ben Fenton has published multiple false accusations relating to rape and abuse

December 9, 2011

Ben’s odd in the extreme blog post is here.

Looks like a case of attention seeking …

  1. Elamite permalink

    Fenton’s right. There probably are very few of you in your movement. All wanking to dreams of the day you can ‘put those bitches’ in their place, because no one will believe them when they report your deeds.

    I really like this way this post is seeking attention.

    Sucks to be you guys.

    • I think that his idea that it’s really just five people is implausible, plus the way you chose to describe it, is not the way it is – that’s more a strawman miss-characterization that’s easy to attack, a device similar to the one more simple minded people use to strawman feminists (all dungaree wearing, genocidal lesbians etc). Do you believe that this feminist Ben Fenton he is right to throw false accusations and slurs relating rape and abuse around like that?

  2. It is strange that you attempt to imply that I have made false rape accusations. My criticisms specific to the FRS are not accusations of rape and abuse. That is an attempt to sling some mud, and in poor, poor form. Despite what you attempt to imply, I have not made any accusations of rape or abuse. I have, however, pointed out that the ideology of Paul Elam and his MRA cohorts is one toward the distrust and disempowerment of female-bodied persons, in such a manner that the outcome fosters a tolerance for and erasure of rape culture and survivors of rape. Examining the writings of Elam on other non-FRS sites reveals his vicious animosity towards female power, and the outcome–not the alleged intent–of his so-called False Rape Society is what is important. (notice that it is not the False Rape Accusation Society, but that it is “False Rape,” as though rape itself doesn’t exist or is not a problem.) I believe that the goal of FRS and most of the salient manifestation of men’s advocacy functions not to make life better for men, but to make rape culture more impenetrable and rape easier to access. If that is not the intent of the FRS, that is irrelevant–because that is the outcome.

    As to saying there are five of them, I was not referring to false rape accusation victims; I was referring to the administrators/owners of the FRS site: as it turns out, I was wrong. There is only 1 of them, and his name is Paul Elam. He has no staff, no non-profit status, no actual agency. That is because the network he works with consists of very few people making very big noise.

    Thank you.
    Ben Fenton

    • I never said that you made false accusations of rape. You made multiple false accusations and insinuations RELATING to rape and abuse against FRA, FRS and the MRM, and continue to. As is standard rhetoric for feminists, when dealing attempting to invalidate advocacy for the falsely accused and men’s rights.

      “I believe that the goal of FRS and most of the salient manifestation of men’s advocacy functions not to make life better for men, but to make rape culture more impenetrable and rape easier to access”

      See? Just another feminist using false accusations and insinuations relating to rape to construct your “argument” against advocacy for the falsely accused.

  3. That is my analysis. You saying it’s false just doesn’t make it so. You use the word feminist like it’s an insult. You have still not shown how I have made false accusations. Point one out. I’d love to see you try. People are listening to your arguments and comparing them to mine. Your arguments are facetious and weak. They understand that I am making very good points about this movement.
    As I have pointed out a couple dozen times to you guys, I absolutely believe that false rape accusation is wrong. However, this movement has chosen to target women instead of the justice system, misplacing their animosity onto the entirely wrong group. Your beef is not with feminists, but the legal system. This is why I cannot respect your movement; it completely misses the point. Women are not liars, any more than men are.

  4. And again, I point out, my claims have nothing to do with rape and abuse, and everything to do with the FRS, MRAs and its satellite culture. So claiming I have made false claims relating to rape is in poor form. You are abusing language to your own advantage, just like the rest of the MRA weasels who couldn’t tell the truth if their movement depended on it. By the way, it does.

    • Your entire post is based around mischaracterizing the men’s movement and FRA as pro-rape. You falsely accuse the men’s movement of promoting the idea that all rape claims are false along with numerous other false accusations relating to rape, abuse and intent to harm women.

      What you are doing here is using a standard feminist routine, instead of addressing the issue, you try to character assassinate with slurs and false accusations relating to rape and abuse. You cannot see a problem with it because its normal behaviour in feminist circles, in fact this behavior is often rewarded in feminist circles.

      “However, this movement has chosen to target women instead of the justice system, misplacing their animosity onto the entirely wrong group.”

      There you go again making false accusations. Your argument is based entirely on taring and falsely accusing people of wanting to harm women, as is normal for feminists in this debate.


  5. Since you cut-and-pasted this same comment to my blog, I will provide the same response I did there, here:

    I’ve displayed the evidence for your dull mind to reject a dozen times. Your best response is “You’re a feminist.” You can’t say that pointing out attacks on women constitutes an attack on women and expect to be believed. Feminists are not losing control of anything; because we are not in control of anything. That is just another of the countless conspiracy theories that the man-babies are given to. Female power scares the living shit out of you, and it shows. You criticize me for allegedly making unfounded accusations in ill will, yet you say things like this:
    “Ben, you clearly believe that there are some social or professional rewards in store for you for making these false allegations relating to rape and abuse. Is that your idea, self promotion via, false accusations?”
    Case closed. You are a hypocrite.

    • My mistake. The comment you posted here was not on my blog.

      • Derrick permalink

        you probably have man boobs

    • ““Ben, you clearly believe that there are some social or professional rewards in store for you for making these false allegations relating to rape and abuse. Is that your idea, self promotion via, false accusations?”
      Case closed. You are a hypocrite.”

      There is no such case that has been closed. You would not be making false accusations relating to rape, abuse and harm of women central to your anti-mra and FRA arguement, unless you saw some gain to be had from it. In the feminist sector, this behaviour is normal and often applauded. Given that you come from that culture, where accusations of and about misogyny, rape and abuse are thrown around liberally, encouraged and seen as a normal way of approaching this debate, it’s reasonable to assume that this culture is influencing your decision to make these false accusations and insinuations relating to misogyny, rape and abuse against your perceived enemies central to your debate, instead of constructing a rational argument based on the actual issues. Were there criticism rather than applause for this approach in the feminist sector, you would likely not be doing it.

      Hence my saying

      “Ben, you clearly believe that there are some social or professional rewards in store for you for making these false allegations relating to rape and abuse. Is that your idea, self promotion via, false accusations?””

      The reason that you are running into problems here, is that you have left the feminist sector, and out side of that culture, false accusations and insinuations relating to abuse of women are not an acceptable or rewarded approach to debate. There is no group of feminist women here to applaud and egg you on while you attack and slander other men with false accusations and insinuations relating to abuse of women and so there is no feeling of praise, being the big man, the potent man, the white kinght or macho man for you here.

      In stark contrast to your experience in feminist culture, there are no personal or professional rewards for making false accusations and insinuations relating to rape and abuse of women in order to discredit advocacy for victims that are male for you in this area, Ben.

  6. The male feminist Ben Fenton, has responded on his blog to being criticized for basing his argument in false accusations relating to rape and abuse of women, by making more false accusations relating to rape and abuse of women against Paul Elam and E. Steven Berkimer, among others.

    This is normal behavior in feminist circles. Rather than debating the issues, false accusations and insinuations relating to violence and violent intent against women, are presented instead.

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